

The ability to make sense of your organisational data is a key lever to ensure optimal functioning and monitoring. At ATBMI we advise our clients on optimal architecture required for the ingestion, staging, orchestration, processing, storage, and finally reporting. As we are technology agnostic, our expertise allows you to choose and leverage existing technologies while we advise on the optimal "stitching" together ensuring you and your organisation can extract maximum value from your data to drive your organisation.

At ATBMI we take a holistic approach, and recognise that back-end advisory work can only be supported through front-end consumption. The core of our business is in the analytics and analysis of your data to provide you with rich insights that are actionable. We advise a range of clients on the data sources, analytics and dashboard reporting required to ensure that you and your organisation extract maximum actionable value and insights from your data.

Data Science & Analytics

Need insights quickly? Let our associates wrangle your data and provide you with actionable insights quickly, so we can help your organisation transform your business operations and make better decisions by optimal use of data.

At ATBMI we believe in extracting value from data. Whether you require a simple analysis to make sense of what your data is saying or want to predict future events, our associates have combined over 100 years of experience is analysis to aid your organisation to make sense of the data and derive actionable insights.

We analyse all types of data (numbers,words, text, and images) to provide you with a complete view of the insights that reside in your data. We assist organisations with developing Machine Learning Models, Deep Learning Models and leverage Artificial Intelligence for effectiveness and efficiency.

We take a holistic approach to analysing your data, steeped in the scientific method, we leverage best-in-class algorithms to ensure that insights are actionable and provide bottom-line impact. Our analytics service includes the development of dashboards, independent of your technology choice, statistical analysis and data science. Our analytics and data science capabilities are built on the foundation of: Enable advanced analytics and machine learning at scale.


We offer a range of technical and strategic training, tailored to your needs, level, and objectives.

Our associates and partner network, specialises in the following areas:

  • Data analysis

  • Statistical analysis

  • Six Sigma

  • Innovation

  • Executive Coaching

  • Strategy


Our research capabilities provide deep insights across two dimensions:

  1. General research: Leveraging our research expertise and team we provide deep market research insights that are reliable, valid and robust enough to guide your organisation with the trends in the market. Our research capabilities include: Data collection from relevant populations, data analysis, and insights into the meaning of the data. Whether you and/or your organisation are looking for an understanding of your consumer, seeking to understand the market size for your growth or opportunity, we have the expertise to enable you to derive insights.

  2. Design-Thinking (Research phase): A key component of design-thinking that is often over-looked is the research phase. We provide bespoke services to fast-track, access users, and conduct primary research to ensure that you and your organisation does not lose valuable insights through the incorrectly conducted research.


We provide a bespoke set of consulting services: Strategy consulting, Data Strategy consulting, Business Turnaround for distressed business, Business Process Improvement and Management-as-a-service consulting.

Our associates and partners collectively have over 80 years worth of consulting experience.

We have further provided consulting services as "Subject-Matter-Experts" in legal cases.


We provide a host of Keynotes, focussed on Artificial Intelligence and Data analytics for Business Impact.